Thursday, August 20, 2009

Made To Worship

At first, the feeling is awkward; hesitant. It takes a concentrated effort and distractions cloud my mind, making me struggle to maintain focus. On the one hand, I feel as though I will burst with the love I need to express, but on the other hand, I battle self-consciousness; fearful of negative opinions and judgmental attitudes. Why do I care so much what it looks like to others? I am only here for One. I am here to worship.
Worship is defined as reverent love and devotion accorded a supernatural deity, an idol, or a sacred object. This can be carried out through ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this ardent devotion is expressed. As followers of Christ, worship is our privilege and responsibility. (Psalm 29:2 “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.”)

Whether through prayer, meditation or song; worship is one of the purest and deepest forms of spiritual expression. It brings a person to the throne and communicates praise and gratitude in a uniquely creative and emotional way. (Psalm 100:2 “Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.”)

It can be wonderfully fulfilling and enjoyable to experience that closeness with the Savior that no one else can understand. There is truly nothing like coming to the altar and offering ones self in a way all your own. But it isn’t always easy.

Like physical exercise, worship is a decision I must make. I know that it is essential for my spiritual health to communicate with the Father in this way. Unfortunately, there are many barriers to break through in order to reach that place of intimacy. I may not feel like praising, but it’s not about the emotion involved or how good I “feel”. It is for His glory! Hebrews 13:15 exhorts us to (“Continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name.”)

Sometimes pride can be an issue if I allow myself to entertain the idea that through my own worship, I am more spiritual than the next person. More often though, the problem is embarrassment. I let fear in and believe the lie that people are laughing at the way I express my love for God.

Every once in a while, the enemy can even bring condemnation so that I feel that I am unworthy to come into the presence of One who is supremely holy. How easy it is to get caught up in that lie! It is vital to keep in mind that it is by grace we are saved! (Romans 8:1 “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”) I can admit that in and of myself I am not good enough, but I have been made holy through His sacrifice and the salvation provided at the cross. (Hebrews 4:16 “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”)

Any of the attitudes listed previously can hinder my ability to connect with the Lord. It is such a challenge to leave them all behind and focus solely on Jesus! A song we sing at church says, “It’s all about you, Jesus…it’s not about me.” Another one that is so meaningful says, “I’m coming back to the heart of worship, and it’s all about You.”

How amazing it is when the distractions disappear and He comes to meet us where we are. This is what we were created for! As His children, we know that when we worship, we will be blessed with the presence and pleasure of a loving Father because God inhabits the praises of His people!

Copyright L. Joy Douglas

August 2009

The Christian Online Magazine

It’s Not About Me

I have never been a morning person. My brain just refuses to warm up very quickly when it’s early. My body follows suit, with stiff muscles protesting against motion and avoiding anything faster than a snails pace. The residual fatigue from the previous night’s sleep can sometimes make it difficult to leave for work on time.

Although I enjoy the creative aspect of my job as a hair stylist, I often find myself intimidated by the sheer volume of people I come in contact with on a daily basis. Unfortunately, that translates many times in the wish that I didn’t have to go to work. So my natural tendency towards sluggishness in the morning combined with the desire to avoid crowds of people can put a real cramp in my attitude at times.

However, as much as I would love to be able to stay home whenever the urge hits, there are numerous reasons for getting myself out the door.

First of all, it is my responsibility to be faithful. I am contributing to the family income, my clientele expect me to be there for their appointments, and my employer relies on me to keep the hours I have scheduled to work. Knowing these people depend on me helps bring things into better perspective and makes me more eager to jump in and get the day started. (“She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.” Proverbs 31:17)

There are also rewards for doing a job well and serving with a positive attitude. These promises are found in Scripture. (“Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men.” Proverbs 22:29) (“Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work—this is a gift of God.” Ecclesiastes 5:19)

Certainly recognition, wealth and happiness are excellent motivation for getting things done, but what about those times when it just isn’t enough? Some days it seems like just one more individual moaning about their problems is enough to drive a person over the edge, and wouldn’t it just be easier to not even try?

Again, it is in God’s Word that we find those commands that offer the guidance and direction we need, even if it is not the “feel good” solution we may be hoping for.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” Colossians 3:23

What? Wait. So I am not really styling hair for a fussy, grumpy old woman? I am actually serving the Lord? It can be difficult to grasp, but it is the truth. Even when up against a demanding boss or dealing with a temperamental co-worker, I am still the hands of Christ to those I come in contact with.

I remember one of my mom’s favorite phrases. I heard this so often as a young girl that I took it for granted, until finding myself in situations that weren’t always fun. “Cheerfully as unto the Lord!” she would always say. Now I understand that it was about adjusting my attitude so that God could work through me even when I didn’t feel up to the task.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17

Copyright L. Joy Douglas

Christian Online Magazine

July 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

Goals, Dreams, Contentment & Success

Goals, Dreams, Contentment & Success
By L.J. Douglas

“Reach for the stars!”

“Go after your dreams!”

“Set high goals!”

“Improve your (fill in the blank)!”

“Better yourself!”

“Aim higher!”

All around us there are messages urging us to make life healthier, happier or better in some way. If it isn’t self-help books, it is home makeovers, higher education or a revolutionary new product!

It seems the population is being bombarded with the idea that nothing is good the way it is and if we have any smarts at all, we will find a way to improve. There is always something better, stronger, faster or newer that our society of instant gratification believes will make our lives perfect.

Unfortunately, it seems that once we get that thing, do that project or reach that goal, we are still not satisfied. Whatever the accomplishment may be is only a stepping stone for the next big endeavor. Somehow even though we get what we want or achieve what we worked for, it is never quite enough to satisfy.

Where did the concept of “more means better” originate? When did we lose the ability to enjoy the pleasure of simplicity? Even those who have done it all or acquired all they want cannot relax and enjoy life because good is never good enough. There is always something better to be had.

How sad it is to read in Ecclesiastes 4:8, “There was a man all alone…there was no end to his toil, yet his eyes were not content with his wealth….”

I was asked recently what my childhood dreams had been. It was difficult coming up with an answer that sounded lofty enough to “matter”. The truth is, many of my dreams have come true. I wanted a husband and a home. Dogs and a garden were included on that wish list, and I also hoped to be able to share my writing with the world.

Low key and simplistic as it may be, that was what I imagined when I thought of being grown up. I wanted a life in which I could find joy in simple pleasures, be silly with the one I love, and feel true contentment at the end of the day. That, to me, is success.

I hope that my goal will be to match what is expressed in Philippians 4:11 & 12. “…for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.”

Some would accuse me of having no ambition, but if the burden of constant striving is how ambition is measured, then perhaps they are right. I would rather serve a meal harvested from my garden; enjoying the wholesome flavors with loved ones than to eat the most expensive gourmet dish among people who are consumed with seeking their own advancement.

Does this mean that goal setting and dreaming are something to avoid? That is absolutely not the case! Human beings thrive on the hopes and imaginings of what “can be”. Setting goals creates motivation and dreaming spawns hope.

It is when we cross the line of making healthy plans into striving for what is always out of reach that we become trapped in the debilitating cycle of dissatisfaction.

Consider these points. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “…success is to laugh often.” The Bible tells us in Joshua 1:8, “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

Can we put the rat race on the back burner and focus on laughter, Scripture meditation and learning contentment to make our lives better? The results of those endeavors are far more fulfilling than what we imagine we may gain from more possessions or prestige.

So, how do you measure success? Will you take the time to enjoy the moment, to live in the now and be content with what you have today? Yes, God wants us to increase and develop. But the goal is to grow more and more into His likeness, not a façade of what the world views as “better”.

A great place to begin is by praying, “Lord, provide the things I need and teach me contentment. Then increase your wisdom in my life so that I will recognize those pursuits that distract me from You. Give me your joy, and a heart for what is good, pure and holy. Let my goals and dreams be the kind that will bring you glory and help to further the kingdom. Amen.”

Copyright L. J. Douglas

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Guarding The Door

"I hear you knocking, but you can’t come in…." are a few of the lyrics to the song by the Dave Edmunds Band that so many remember from the classic rock era. Beyond being a catchy tune, this song is one that we would do well to remember where our spiritual well being is concerned.

The enemy is constantly knocking at the door of your "home". Whether you interpret your home as being your heart, your mind, or perhaps your family, he is always there knocking, tapping, pounding! He rings the bell, calling out with that oily smooth voice of seduction to ensnare you in his web of deceit.

As long as we do not open the door to him, he cannot touch us. He can’t come inside and mess up the orderliness of our home. He absolutely cannot come in unless we give him permission. But if we open the door to his constant cajoling, even if it is just to tell him to go away, it will be too late. All he needs is a toehold and he will sweep in, knocking you over and infusing your house with ugliness. He is waiting eagerly for the opportunity to leave his foul stench all over the furniture, greasy stains on the walls and the slime of discontent covering your clothing.

Sometimes however, it is not quite so obvious that the caller on the front step is an unwanted visitor. A vital point to consider is the element of deception. It is through beautiful lies that he will "deceive the very elect." (Matt. 24:24) If we are not disciplined enough in our spiritual walk we can be fooled into accepting the enemy’s voice as one of a friend. Before we know it exceptions are made, excuses begin and we are pulled in over our heads. How often do we rationalize what we consider to be a "minor" sin? We blow it off as no big deal as long as we aren’t hurting anybody. But what so many don’t seem to realize is that sin does hurt. It may not be evident at first, but someone always pays the consequence even if it is only the sinner himself.

The only way to avoid becoming a victim of this kind of fraud is to study the authentic. Government agencies can spot counterfeit money because their eyes are so trained to what the real thing looks like. We too should devote our time to studying the voice of the Lord so that we will recognize immediately when another fraudulent voice is calling. Listen and train your ear to hear the sound of the Master, and you will not be deceived.

What other ways can we protect ourselves from this sort of home invasion? Begin by stepping back and asking the Protector to take over. Remember when you were a child and you trusted your dad to take over in scary situations? Do you recall how much safer you felt, knowing you could trust your father to protect you from whatever it was that frightened or confused you? The same is true today in the spiritual realm. Leave it to the Father. Run to Him and say, "Lord, I can’t handle this on my own. Please take over and tell the enemy to leave."

In Scripture we can find instances where even beings with power asked God to rebuke Satan on their behalf. (Zechariah 3:2 "the Lord rebuke you..") They knew that He alone held complete power over the enemy’s allowed influence.

So when you hear the rapping at the door, don’t bother to tell him to go away because he already knows when he is not welcome. As long as you put your trust in the Lord and let Him handle it, the knocking will sound quieter and more distant as time goes by. Continue to keep your focus on the One who truly desires to live in your heart and make it a place of glory and light.

Copyright L.J. Douglas

The Christian Online Magazine

April, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

Snowflakes And Praises

January 2009

It is an early winter morning, and the darkness that blankets my front yard is broken by the glow from a lone street lamp. It’s beam illuminates hundreds of snowflakes drifting to earth just outside my window. I relax into my chair a little bit more, savoring the moment. There are few things so beautiful in nature as a winter snowfall, and usually I am content to observe from afar. A snow scene as a whole is simply white, chilly and pretty. But to analyze snow on a deeper level can catapult you into the mind boggling world of science, and I for one, have never had a strong enough curiosity to seriously study the phenomenon of snow. However, there is one thing that I can take from it that has always fascinated me. That is the concept of individuality.

We are told that no two snowflakes have the same pattern. Each one is unique in it’s design. Isn’t it astounding to imagine considering the millions upon billions of snow flakes that have fallen throughout the history of creation? My human mind cannot even begin to fathom the immensity of that concept and yet, I believe it is true. And just as each snow flake has its own multifaceted and individual beauty, so do we as God’s creation also have characteristics unique to each of us. As it is with snowflakes, no two people are the same. So, of course, we all relate to God in different ways, as well. When I come before the Lord in praise, there is no one else on earth who connects to Him quite the way I do. During those times of intense intercession, I am the only one who prays the way I do. When my life is overcome with fear or grief, there is no match to the way I cry out for my Savior.

Our Creator could have played it safe and made one pattern for us all. Sounds easier, right? Less complicated, perhaps? But no…He made us fully knowing the capacity for praise, love and yes, even sin that we would carry. Yet He still says in Song of Solomon 6:9 "..but my dove, my perfect one, is unique…" And who are we to be critical of the handiwork of the God of the Universe! Our proper response is found in Psalm 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

Imagine your relationship with God as a snowflake; special and unlike anyone else’s. Beautiful in a way all to itself. Parts of it may be delicate with intricate patterns, other facets may be cold and hard with razor sharp edges. But each aspect is a detail that makes up the person that you are. Genesis 1:31 "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." As you offer up your praise for the blessings of the new year, or you bring your supplications before the Lord, interceding on behalf of some person or situation, take joy in your individuality. Worship and honor God in the way that only you can without worrying if it is the currently fashionable form of worship, or that you might be getting stared at. Remember Hannah? Her story can be found in 1 Samuel chapter one. She opened herself up to the Lord expressing her grief the only way she knew how. It may have confused onlookers, but God saw her heart and honored it.

The snow is coming down a bit harder now. The flakes are fluffier and the road is completely covered. But now I am learning to appreciate not just the beauty of the white snow, but also the beauty of God’s perfect plan in creating us fearfully, wonderfully and yes, uniquely.

Copyright L.J. Douglas

The Ultimate Interview

December 2008

In today’s era of reality shows, personal web pages, and "whatever" tube video clips, it is fairly easy for anyone to have their 15 minutes of semi-fame or to have the chance to share the details of their life’s story. But just imagine with me for a moment what we might hear if someone were to sit down for an interview this holiday season with the family who played the biggest part in changing the history (and future) of all mankind.



I was raised in a large family by parents who were kind but firm. My siblings and I learned early on how to be diligent in our work and we knew the importance of the Holy Scriptures. As a child I daydreamed about what it meant to be in the lineage of David. Imagine there being a king in our family line! But the reality was that I was destined simply to carry on my father’s carpentry business, and I was determined to carry that out with exemplary skill. One day a woman stopped by the shop. I could barely concentrate on helping her because of the sweet sound coming through the window. Outside, the woman’s children were gathered, waiting for her return, and in the middle of them all was the eldest daughter, holding their attention by singing a simple psalm of praise. Her voice was clear and innocent, and the love she had for her Lord was so evident on her face that her ordinary features were transformed into the purest beauty I had ever witnessed. I knew then that my life would be blessed if I could have a wife of such character. Within days I had met with her father and plans were made for my betrothal to Mary.


My childhood was happy. I worked hard helping Mama with the other children and learning how to cook and care for the household. Sometimes I would lead the lambs out to pasture and dream of when I might have a husband and children and a home of my own. I would always try to be a good wife, a Godly woman that my family could be proud of. And those thoughts always led me back to singing. Praises for my God seemed to be welling up inside me all my life, and many times it spilled out into songs of my own making. I remember I was singing on that day too. While I gathered vegetables, Father stood out by the road speaking with the carpenter’s son for close to an hour. Then he called Mother to join them and the next thing I knew a lamb was being slaughtered, the best wine poured, and Mother was frantically brushing my hair and dousing the hem of my tunic with scented oil. During the feast, our guest announced his desire to marry me. Assured of my parent’s blessing, I quietly agreed to be betrothed to Joseph. For the remainder of the evening my expression was befitting that of a well mannered young lady, but my soul was dancing and singing for joy!


It had been a hard year, preparing a home for after the marriage ceremony. One hot afternoon, I was resting in the shade after completing another piece of furniture. Mary came upon me there and took my hand in hers. She was trembling, and I listened in shock to the fantastic story she told. I felt as though I had been kicked in the gut. My pure, precious, God fearing Mary, pregnant?? How could she do this to me, to us? My mind was spinning. What would others say, and think? Was she crazy? All this talk of angels, and divine seed. The law said I could divorce her for infidelity. But my heart longed to believe her! That night I only slept finally from sheer exhaustion. And that is when he came to me.


I had just finished my evening prayers when I sensed him. I knew he was a stranger, but even seeing him in my room did not make me afraid. The warmth, sweetness and light that filled me told me he was of God. "The power of the Almighty will overshadow you……you will conceive….by the Holy Spirit….." His words did not sink in until he was gone. And it was then that my song came forth again, all the praises I had ever sung as a girl came back at this moment in an anthem of joy to honor my Lord.

Even when I saw the anger and hurt in Joseph’s eyes, I felt peace. And when he sought me out later to tell me of his own visitation, I knew the two of us were carrying the secret of all secrets!


When we finally reached the gates of Bethlehem, I knew we had to find shelter. Mary had been trying to stifle her moans of discomfort for several miles, but they were coming regularly and it was obvious her time was short. After arguing with every innkeeper in town, we found ourselves secluded in a cow stable. I held Mary’s hand as she lay on a cushion of straw and threadbare blankets, and from her mouth came praises in the midst of the pain. Once again, our family was producing a King!


The last part of the journey was a blur of gritting my teeth and praying. When I couldn’t take any more, Joseph gathered me in his arms and laid me on the bed he had made. I was terrified but euphoric. I was about to become the mother of our Savior! What honor! What responsibility! Doubt clouded my mind for a moment, but then it was time, and with sweat, blood and praises on my lips, I gave life to the Life Giver.

Joseph and Mary:

The last twelve years have been incredible at times, but also quite ordinary in many ways. When Jesus was born, all of Bethlehem gossiped about the crazy shepherds claiming the vision of angels and the arrival of a new king. Later, Magi came with gifts to honor Him, and we spent years in hiding to protect Him. Finally we settled back in Nazareth and resumed a normal life. But is it normal to have a perfect child? One who never disobeys or talks back, one who seems to have more wisdom and insight into the Scripture than the elders. We are raising Him, but yet He teaches us. Even the priests in the Temple were awed by Him. People notice that He is different. But the truth is still a secret that we share, knowing that one day it will be revealed to everyone that Jesus, our son….GOD’S Son, the Messiah has come!

Copyright L.J. Douglas

December 2008

The Christian Online Magazine

Musings On Human Nature

October 2008

It is a late summer morning, floorboards cool under my bare feet as I make my way out to the porch with a bowl of granola in my hands. Sitting on the top step, I tuck my sun dress securely behind my knees to prevent a wayward breeze from setting the fabric fluttering up into my lap. The day is clear with the sun just peeking out from behind a bank of fluffy clouds that almost seem too lazy to move other than to shape shift every so often into distorted versions of animals or boats or some silly fictional thing. The sweet nutty flavor of my cereal mingles with the fragrance of the honeysuckle bush at the edge of the yard to create a unique sensory effect that is pleasant and calming. I can hear the song being shared between two red brown birds sitting high on the ridge of a neighbors roof. But other than the buzzing of a yellow jacket passing by and the hollow crunching sound of my own chewing, the morning is quiet. Peaceful. This is the time when my spirit smiles and I feel closest to nature. These moments make me feel as though I can turn my face toward heaven, open myself up, and communicate to God just how grateful I am to be His child; to be blessed with life on this beautiful planet that He created. My heart is full with the smallest understanding of the awesomeness of God.

Fast forward to another morning when the alarm blares violently from my nightstand. I growl in complaint only to yell out my frustration a moment later when I slam my knuckles against the clock as a result of miscalculating the location of the snooze button. Groaning bitterly, I haul my stiff limbs out from under the warm comforter and make my way, shivering, to the window. A deep sigh and even deeper frown are what I have to offer as I observe what I perceive to be a "nasty" day. The sky is gray, the clouds even grayer, and the forlorn drizzle that has been falling is just beginning to morph into an angry spitting sleet. I should know that stepping onto the bathroom scale would be a bad idea, but by the time I kick the unfortunate mechanism against the wall, it is too late to stop the pain from shooting through the offending toes. The clothes I need are still in the dirty laundry hamper. My hair is flat and lifeless, but I donʼt have time to shampoo it. By the time I am ready to run my errands, the rain is coming down in heavy sheets, and I want to scream when I realize that the umbrella is in the car! Moments later, settled in the drivers seat, drenched and miserable, tears of self pity mingle with raindrops on my cheeks as the dashboard blinks at me that the gas tank is almost empty. In this moment, I am so far from my Lord, wallowing in bitterness, forgetting all He has done for me and using every negative thing as fuel for my fire of annoyance.

Two separate mornings. Two completely opposite mind sets. You could even argue two different women! Sadly, no. I must admit to both experiences. During those moments of beauty it is so easy to respond appropriately. But when my nerves are shot, human nature leads me to react rather than respond. Thankfully, even when I seem to swing from one extreme to another with the efficiency of a pendulum, God is always faithful, the eternal solid Rock that wonʼt be moved. (Isaiah 26:4) No matter what the circumstance, no matter how complicated or fear laden the situation, no matter the weather or the difficulty or the cost, He is always "the same; yesterday, today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8) Undeserving as I am, He pours out His grace daily. On a tranquil breeze, or in the bite of freezing rain, His faithfulness is a constant.

Teach me, Lord, to not gauge my response on "feel good" emotions. Teach me also to temper my reactions to the things that inconvenience me. Let me see your hand in every situation, not just the lovely, but the character challenging as well. Let me praise you in all things and learn to be faithful as You are faithful.

Copyright L. J. Douglas

October 2008